Eric Clapton - All Along The Watchtower

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File info:

Band name Eric Clapton
Song name All Along The Watchtower
Tab type Chords
Added 05/13/2008
Size 2.37 kb
File format
Views/Loads 1/5
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Written by Bob Dylan. This is legend, Eric Clapton's version.

Am                G                F           G   Am
   There must be some kind of way out of here
Am                G                F           G   Am
   Said the joker to the thief
Am                G                F           G   Am
   There's too much confusion
Am                G                F           G   Am
   I can't get no relief
Am                G                F           G   Am
   Business men they drink my wine
Am                G                F           G   Am
   Plow men dig my earth
Am                G                F           G   Am
   None of them  along the line
Am                G                F           G   Am
   Know what any of it is worth
Am                G                F           G   Am
   No reason to get excited
Am                G                F           G   Am
   The thief he kindly spoke
Am                G                F           G   Am
   There are many here among us
Am                G                F           G   Am
   Who feel that life is but a joke
Am                G                F           G   Am
   But you and I we've been through that
Am                G                F           G   Am
   And this is not our fate
Am                G                F           G   Am
   So let us stop talking falsely now
Am                G                F           G   Am
   The hour's getting late
Am                G                F           G   Am
   All along the watchtower
Am                G                F           G   Am
   Princess kept the view
Am                G                F           G   Am
   While all the women came and went
Am                G                F           G   Am
   Barefoot servants too
Am                G                F           G   Am
  Outside in the cold distance
Am                G                F           G   Am
   A wildcat did growl
Am                G                F           G   Am
   Two riders were approaching
Am                G                F           G   Am
   And the wind began to howl

Am                G                F           G   Am
   All along the watchtower
Am                G                F           G   Am
   All along the watchtower
Am                G                F           G   Am
   All along the watchtower
