Eric Clapton - All Our Past Times

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File info:

Band name Eric Clapton
Song name All Our Past Times
Tab type Chords
Added 05/13/2008
Size 1.82 kb
File format
Views/Loads 3/3
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Intro: G      C       D     G     (I think,thats what I remember from yesterday)

G               C              D              G
        I don't want to be the one to say I'm sorry
                C              D               G
        I don't want to be the one to take the blame
                C              D               G     Em
        I don't want to be the one to throw it over
                C              D             G
        I don't want to be the one to feel ashamed

                C              D                    G
        I don't want to be the one who thinks of nothing
                C              D                             G
        I don't want to be the one to tell you what you have seen
        C                    D                            G    Em
        After all this time, when I thought that you were mine
               C              D                 G
        I just want to be the one to share this dream

Chorus:              C                  G
        All our past times should be forgotten
                     C                G
        All our past times should be erased
                C                D
        I don't care how much it costs
                          G    Em
        I don't count the loss
                   C     D              G
        As long as I can see your face again

        solo on verse and chorus

  G               C            D                  G
        You don't have to tell me when you're leaving
               C               D             G
        If it's half past one, If it's maybe four
                 C                D                G    Em
        Makes no difference where you think you're going
               C        D               G
        Please remember not to slam the door
