Peters Mike - A New South Wales Acoustic
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File info:
Band name | Peters Mike |
Song name | A New South Wales Acoustic |
Tab type | Chords |
Added | 06/10/2008 |
Size | 2.7 kb |
File format | |
Views/Loads | 2/0 |
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A New South Wales Acoustic Chords by Mike Peters THE CHORDS IN PARENTHENSES IS WHAT MIKE PLAYS. TUNING IS Eb. OR YOU CAN PLAY IT IN STANDARD WITH THE OTHER CHORDS PROVIDED. (Cm) (Fm) Bm Em Pit shaft wheels turn for the last time in the Rhondda tonight (Bb) (G) A F# The Davey lamps that shone so brightly there's no more need for their light (Cm) (Fm) Bm Em As the last piece of coal is cut from the belly of the black seamed hole (Bb) (G) A F# A man walks home alone past a church full of mourning souls (Fm) (Bb) (Eb) (Eb/D) (Cm) Em A D D/C# Bm Throughout his lifetime he has fought he has given his life (Fm) (Bb) (G) (Gsus4) Em A F# F#sus4 In tears the congregation sing come Rhondda Oh my Lord (G#) (Fm) G Em Great is the rape of the fair country (C#) (Eb) C D To Botany Bay for my Great Grandfathers (G#) G Deportation sailed (G#) (Fm) (C#) (Eb) (Fm) G Em C D Em Great so great is the fair country great is the need for a new south Wales Bm Em The slag heap stares it blocks out the sky it keeps this Rhondda grey A F# The stale beer spills from angry drinkers their arguments do the same Bm Em A choir voice cries it shatters the silence where's the future in this place A F# The question hangs unanswered all eyes on a new born babe Em A D D/C# Bm In another lifetime men fought hard men gave their lives Em A For the charter that would save their sons F# F#sus4 Come Rhondda Oh my Lord Great, great change in the fair country The future lies with our sons and daughters South will meet with North Say, say a prayer for the fair country GREAT IS THE NEED FOR A NEW SOUTH WALES Bm A G Oh, Oh Someone hear my prayer Someone hear my prayer Someone hear my prayer Hear my prayer Hear my prayer Someone hear my prayer For A NEW SOUTH WALES