Peters Mike - Rain In The Summertime

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File info:

Band name Peters Mike
Song name Rain In The Summertime
Tab type Chords
Added 06/10/2008
Size 1.87 kb
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Rain In The Summertime Chords by Mike Peters

                       ARTIST: MIKE PETERS (THE ALARM)
                       ALBUM: ACOUSTIC WORKS 1987-91
                       TABBED BY: SANDROK@YAHOO
                       TUNING: Eb
                 INTRO: A Asus2   A Asus2

       Asus2   A        Asus2  A        Asus2  A                 F#m
         Under  the anvil of the sun, sweat like a train I come, I come

                   E                D                 A Asus2
         My body's adust scorched by the might of the sun

        Asus2 A          Asus2  A       Asus2  A                  F#m
         Burning light burning white heat like wildfire I sweat a fever

                         E                  D      A Asus2
         My body screams disintegrates in the heat

                        F#m        E              D      
        Our love is the faith that keeps on burning


       A   Asus2           A Asus2          Em
          Oh I love to feel the rain in the summertime 
        Bm                              D
        Oh I love to feel the rain on my face

                                    A   Asus2    
        I love to feel the rain in the summertime

      Asus2   A              Asus2 A  
       Burned at the stake on a bed of fire
       Asus2    A               F#m
       My body rises taking me higher
                      E               D      A   Asus2 
       My love's desire is pure ascension fire
                       F#m           E             D
       Our love is the faith that keeps on burning
  A   Asus2   Em                 
       And I run till the breath tears my throat
                           A Asus2
       Till the pain hits my side
       Em                                        G   
     As if i run fast enough I can leave all the pain and sadness behind