Rem - Ascent Of Man

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File info:

Band name Rem
Song name Ascent Of Man
Tab type Chords
Added 06/15/2008
Size 2.3 kb
File format
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A             B
So hesitation pulled me back
I'm stronger when I don't attract
In your eyes I'm a lamb without a rack
And I am getting confused
      B                       A
I'm a cactus trying to be a canoe

As you pan for ore
In the desert, floored

I say to you

                             F#                 G#m
That I could never imagine a place so beautiful
                        F#     B
I could never steal your gold away.

        E                C#m
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
E                                   C#                                   
(I try to walk like a big wham bam

I came across like a battering ram
E                                   C#
I try to float like a telegram sam

I'm trying to divine you

F#   E    B
My book is called "The Ascent Of Man"
I marked your chapter with a catamaran

The accent's off
      F#        B
But I am what I am

       E                 C#
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
E                                   C#m
(I try to walk like a big wham bam

I came across like a battering ram
E                                   C#
I try to float like a telegram sam

I'm trying to divine you.)


B  A  D  G  F#  E

B                                   F#
I looked for you, it's my last grandstand
A motorscootered goat legged pan
                   F#   B
Figure eighting in quicksand
     E                   C#m
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
E                                  C#m
(I try to walk like a big wham bam

I try to float like a telegram sam
E                                   C#m
I came across like a battering ram

I'm trying to divine you.)
E                                   C#m
(I try to walk like a big wham bam

I try to float like a telegram sam
E                                   C#m
I came across like a battering ram

I'm trying to divine you.)

A                       B
So hesitation pulled me back
I'm so in love I don't attract
            B                        A
And with my hands tied I won't crack
('Cause in my mind I called you back.)

A  B